Outside Professional Activity
Outside activity opportunities are extremely varied and include, but are not limited to, outside employment, consulting, and service on a Science Advisory Board or Board of Directors. Reporting and approval requirements apply to all employees, including faculty and rehired retirees, regardless of percent time employed at LBNL; these rules also apply during periods of work deferment.
- Online form for request and approval: Compensation for Outside Professional Activity (COPA)
- Guide: Getting Started with a Compensated Outside Professional Activity (COPA)
Important note: Written agreements between LBNL employees and outside entities require an LBNL review prior to being signed by LBNL employees. If the written agreement addresses intellectual property matters in any manner, the following language must be included in the written agreement:
“It is recognized that (1) [Consultant, Advisor, Employee] is an employee of the University of California engaged in certain work conducted by the University at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231 with the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and (2) the University has rights to patents and other intellectual property arising from Consultant’s services for that work. This consulting agreement is subject to those rights notwithstanding any intellectual property obligations to contrary in this agreement. Whenever any invention or discovery is solely or jointly made, conceived, or developed by Consultant under the Consulting Agreement, the Company must promptly furnish the University and DOE with sufficient information to timely determine whether the invention or discovery is within the purview of the patent agreement executed by Consultant with the University.”
Designated Officials
Berkeley Lab requires employees holding certain designated jobs — designated officials — to disclose financial interests related to their position. Designated officials are subject to certain limitations concerning income, gifts, loans, honoraria, and travel payments from nonpublic sources. In addition, designated officials are subject to post-employment restrictions.
Disclosure System for Designated Officials
Notification of Outside Business Ownership and Management Interest
Employees who own or have an ownership interest of at least 10 percent in a commercial entity that has economic or technology connections with the Laboratory or may seek to have such connections with the Laboratory, or who have a management interest such as being a member of the Board of Directors in such a commercial entity, must report the interest to Berkeley Lab. This requirement also extends to business interests held by an employee’s near relatives and domestic partner.
Notification of Ownership and Management Interest
Use this form to notify LBNL of your or your near relative’s ownership or management interest of greater than 10% in an outside business that does business with or seeks to do business with the Laboratory, or is the type of business that could have technology or economic ties to LBNL.
Disclosure Forms for Sponsored Research
A variety of financial disclosures are required for research sponsored by the Public Health Service (PHS)/National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), many other federal sponsors, and research sponsored by private companies/organizations. Disclosures of financial interest in funded research are intended to ensure objectivity and transparency in the conduct of research.
PHS/NIH sponsored research
Other federally sponsored research (NSF, NASA, DOE as requested, etc)
- LBNL Disclosure of Financial Interest (Form DFI-2)
- LBNL Positive Disclosure of Financial Interest (Form DFI-3)
Privately sponsored research:
Conflict of Interest Advisory Committee (COIAC)
The COIAC which acts under the authority of the Laboratory Director, independently assesses research-related financial conflicts of interest. The committee makes recommendations to the Deputy Director for Research on researchers’ outside professional activities and financial interests, as well as any appropriate strategies to manage, reduce, or eliminate conflicts of interest.